Glenlivet released two single cask editions and we Swedes got some of two 17 and 18 year old casks. They went fast and got quite some hype from the people who get previews.

0.6 (Old Gold)


A bit closed off at first, so I let it rest for an extra fifteen minutes. After that long wait notes like bread and yeast start to appear. Malty. There is fruit behind that as well - mostly apples.


Sharp, spicy delivery. A bit more citrus and tropical fruits here along with the very 'clean' ex-bourbon taste without much depth, in my opinion.


Peppery, big, big chunk of alcohol. Some pineapple. Quite long and dry.

I'm a bit disappointed. I think this comes of a tasty and clean, but with the downside of being a little thin. The alcohol carries with it a big peppery spiciness but that's about it. The rest, fruits and bread predominantly, sadly get left a little behind. Adding some water dials the spice and alcohol down a bit (naturally) but doesn't reveal anything new. It's certainly possible that a few more drams and some experimentation could reveal an optimal watering level to bring the best out of it, but that didn't happen tonight.


76 / 100
0-50 Subpar 51-60 Drinkable 61-70 Decent 71-80 Good 81-90 Great 91-100 Fantastic

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